New and improved website on the way – plus a request

Hello! I’m glad you’re here. You are just the person I’m looking for to help me with my mission. First, I have some news…

For months I’ve been wrestling with myself over this blog. It’s been a personal quest up to now, part of my own creative writing practice. When I’ve come across ideas I have posted them here, and I’ve shared some of my own writing philosophy at the same time.

But the concept of ‘writing for relaxation’ has so much more to offer. With that in mind I’m working on a new & improved version of this website, along with a writing for relaxation activity book. And that’s where you come in.

A request for your help

Writing can be a great way to boost wellbeing. I firmly believe that writing can enhance our daily lives, from relaxation to self-discovery and healing. But tell me…

Do you feel the same way? Are you unsure? Do you write regularly or perhaps have no interest in creative writing at all? Whatever the case, I’d love to hear from you. I’m looking to gather opinions about creative writing from a wide range of people – what motivates you or puts you off, what helps you or stands in your way. In short, what do you think about writing?

If you’re happy to share your thoughts with me, I’d be delighted.

You can register your interest below and I’ll be in touch with more info. (When you register, there’s no obligation to share your opinions. You are free to change your mind at any time).

Register your interest

Many thanks!
